Take advantage of using Recipes in OCI Process Automation

Today, Oracle Process Automation with its Recipes helps organizations to reach process excellence faster. The recipes are business process solutions developed with OCI Process Automation (OPA) and available for you once you have provisioned OCI Process Automation service.

Recipes can be deployed as-is, or extended to meet requirements customer-specific.

In addition, to expediting time-to-value for new deployments, the available recipes can be used also as a sort of blueprints for organizations who want to start with new processes built on OPA.

So, just to position the recipes and when better to use them, we can try to post some questions.

  1. Are you a Developer and looking for quickly deploying new business processes?
  2. Are you a System Integrator needing to start from a pre-built asset so to be later customized meeting better your needs without reinventing the wheel?
  3. Are you looking for some samples to be used for demo purposes to test capabilities and functionalities without starting from scratch?

All these questions can find in the OPA Recipes the right answer.

Now, OPA includes the following recipes … and much more will come soon.

Every single Recipe has its own documentation to drive the implementer.

I suggest to carefully look at the system requirements before using those ones; all those recipes are intended only for guidance.

In order to run those recipes, you must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) instance in order to successfully run the recipe.

  • Assign IDCS application roles
  • Create the required users in IDCS

After you’ve configured the roles and other resources, you can activate and run the application and test the process and some capabilities like business searches, how to escalate tasks using the native workspace or the analytics graphical view to see if the process flow is altered by manual intervention.  

Now you can see how the “Credit Increase Request” can be imported into your own OPA instance:

Create a new process in the application process section

Click on the “Create Application from Recipe” action from the palette:

Select, for example, the Approve Credit Line increase

And now, you can see all the artifact imported in your application.

Selecting the “Credit Line Increase Approval” link, you can access the BPMN design of the process

The process is now ready for you to be activated (or customized) selecting the “activate” button at the top of your page

And now ready to be tested in the workspace

You can now start a new request and the web application will appear to you, something like that one here included:

You can load demo values to speed up the test so to quickly see the outcomes of the execution

A new item is now available to be worked by the assignee approving, rejecting, … all the actions that the human workflow will be configured for the specific user, group or application role

As we know, OPA can be used to support business processes to build “system 2 system” or “system 2 human” implementations and when the User Interface is required to interact with the running process you can also modify or extend the web UI  leveraging  the powerful features to adapt your web page, embedding basic and advanced controls so to drive the business user and simplifying his job reducing errors due to wrong data input

Try it by yourself… it’s a very good accelerator!!

Public and Additional Documentation



OCI Process Automation and Oracle Artificial Intelligence in Action

It’s very interesting feature what recently delivered with OCI Process Automation.

It’s possible now to upload in your workflow a document such a passport, driver license, … documents from where it’s possible to automatically extract data.

No more manual procedures but everything managed by the solution to automate business processes.

This is a meaningful improvement of the OCI offering highlighting synergies and native integration among the big number of OCI services available in each OCI region of the world.

Artificial Intelligence is today the most relevant technology from which we can take advantage in simplifying our lifestyle, reducing time with bureaucracy, and getting a benefit from other several new services before unimaginable.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Document Understanding, what natively integrated in Oracle Process Automation, is an Oracle AI service that enables developers to extract text, tables, and other key data from document files through APIs and command line interface tools. With OCI Document Understanding, you can automate tedious business processing tasks with prebuilt AI models and customize document extraction to fit your industry-specific needs.

You can easily identity this service navigating the OCI Console in the Analytics & AI section.  

With this service, you can upload documents to detect and classify text and objects in them. You can process individual files or batches of documents using the ProcessorJob API endpoint.

The following pre-trained models are supported and offering support for different pre-trained model like:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Text extraction
  • Key-value extraction
  • Table extraction
  • Document classification
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) PDF

In your daily life, how many times you need to show your passport, your driver license, or your health insurance card to start a new request?

Some examples are:

  • Renting a car
  • Accessing the hospital to do triage
  • Medical checkup in healthcare
  • Hotel check-in

This is the reason why today Oracle can offer this added value in his Cloud offering… to simplify your daily activity, to make your life better.

A simple process, as I said before, can be that one about the “Car Rental”. Trying to imagine a human workflow behind, we can think about a BPMN process used to manage every step where for example an approval is required.

We can also imagine, not necessarily a process behind but simply the need to upload some info or data which need to be sent to other applications or database so that OPA can be used to easily configure a webpage from where it’s possible to upload data into an Oracle Database using its REST adapter or leveraging the DB adapter included in Oracle Integration Cloud Enterprise Edition (which includes OCI Process Automation).

I have tried to imagine a “Car Rental” process designing a step by step process for example when a long term rental is requested and its acceptance needs to be approved

As you can see below, when you design your WebForm from OCI OPA Console you can find on the right side, included in the activities section, the new icon about the AI Document Understanding.

This icon can be dragged & dropped into your canvas to model the web UI as you prefer and need.

It’s a pre-built integration, so you don’t need to think about REST invocation or similar. Everything is pre-configured for you and then you can easily use it without coding or similar stuff.

Once the process is implemented (here a quick overview how to do it), you can enable this one for production purposes

The operator can use the web UI to start a new request, clicking on the pre-defined process and/or including the new application in a web portal or into the Oracle SaaS springboard in according to the specific process.

Once the operator has identified the right process, clicking on the “Nuova Richiesta di Noleggio”, the webform appears to accept the required info.

If, AI Document understanding, has been properly configured, the end user can upload the image of the passport, or other provided documentation, so to start the automatic data acquisition

In a while, you can see how automatically all personal data appear on the right side of the page, filling the right field.

You can, of course, add other info to enrich the information required … something like below included. The web UI is highly customizable, and you can build your own web page as the business requires.

In this way, the desk operator can scan your documents and with a simple click, uploading the image, it’s possible to collect all the required information without huge effort taking advantage of:

  • Less time for data entry
  • Less errors for manual activities (i.e. reading passport and typing them)
  • Better and quicker customer experience

I encourage you to test it by yourself to personally understand how much it’s easy to do it. A very low effort to improve processes introducing in your business innovation, efficiency, and automation.

Helpful resources:





Process Automation helps you to rapidly design, automate, and manage business processes in the Cloud

Step-by-step guide discovering how to provision and build a business process with OCI Process Automation

OCI Process Automation (shortly OPA) is an OCI PaaS Oracle Managed cloud service which helps customers to build their business processes based on Structured or Unstructured models. This is the best solution to easily manage business processes granting to business users to build their own implementations without coding but just using a web browser and drag&drop capabilities… what we usually call a “no code” environment

The article has the goal to explain how, step by step, we can quickly test the features included in OPA… starting from my experience with the tool.

Just to simplify the explanation, I will describe a “happy path” process … in my example building one business process which usually is quite loved by everyone…. mainly when talking about the Vacation Request Approvals 🙂

Continue reading “Process Automation helps you to rapidly design, automate, and manage business processes in the Cloud”

agile Oracle Cloud Infrastructure consumption

Over the past couple of weeks, I was getting back into the normal life of Cloud Engineering (the #BuildWithAI global hackathon isn’t the only thing that I focus on – check this article out #BuildWithAI Announces Winners). And something that I was doing was actually less about technology but more about budgeting – Cloud Estimations.

This is an interesting puzzle because of a couple of different elements.

Cloud is supposed to be elastic. But budgeting is typically not. Nor are project estimations and costs. Nor are approval processes. Nor are procurement processes. There are so many things in a business that are not elastic.

The people provisioning are not necessarily in charge of the costs. And I know as a developer, these overarching cost discussions aren’t necessarily the one you get invited to.

Continue reading “agile Oracle Cloud Infrastructure consumption”

Integration, Process and Visual Builder

OIC makes integration easy with ODI

We know OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud) is capable of file based integration for ERP over API.
And we do know that ODI (Oracle Database Integrator from Data Integration Platform Cloud) is capable of ingesting large file and processing it for ERP through the database layer aka ETL / ELT.

Continue reading “Integration, Process and Visual Builder”