Oracle Digital Assistant Hands-On: Build your Digital Assitant under 2 hours

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As we roll out the Oracle Digital Assitant workshop across Australia and New Zeland over the course of the next few weeks, below are the instructions for the participants interested to try out the platform and build a Digital Assistant.

  • If you have registered for the event, you would get an email to set up the password for your Oracle cloud account on the day of the workshop.
  • Once you set up the password access  Digital Assistant UI to start building your first Digital Assistant.
  • Download the hands-on lab material from here that has detailed instructions on how to design and deploy a Digital Assistant.

Here are some interesting links that can compliment your learning process of the Oracle Digital Assitant or if you would like to re-visit them later.

Oracle Digital Assistant Channel: This playlist is dedicated to covering all the major features of Oracle Digital Assitant. You can watch in sequence for an end-to-end insight into Oracle Intelligent Bots, or dip into any video to learn about that features.


Additional Blogs that might help you in your Oracle Digital Assistant learning journey

Deep-dive real-world tips, techniques and samples on building skills with Digital Assistant Platform.

Boring FAQ to engaging Digital Assitant under 5 mins

Autonomous Digital Assistant to Human Agent seamless Handoff

Oracle Autonomous Digital Assistant: The new incarnation for conversation interfaces

Provisioning Autonomous Oracle Digital Assistant

Entities and Intents: crawling through Natural Language Processing

What if in the middle of the conversation the user changes mind?

Leave your comments here if you would need any more information on this topic.


Boring FAQ to engaging Digital Assitant under 5 mins

Majority of the websites have FAQ pages, and they are always dull. If only you could convert your FAQ to something more tangible that solves the users need you could resolve customer frustration of finding the right information. Moreover, if that experience is more interactive, it leads to an engaging experience where you can contextualise the data and also execute the task on behalf of the customer. We can create this rich experience by making your traditional FAQ’s wrapped inside a chatbot.

In this article let’s have a look at how we can quickly convert FAQ Pages to a Bot in minutes. Oracle’s natural language understanding technology and QnA engine available in Digital Assistant platform can sift through the historical FAQ data and answer even sophisticated requests from your clients. Further, you can handover complex queries to your support as I discussed in an earlier article

Continue reading “Boring FAQ to engaging Digital Assitant under 5 mins”

Autonomous Digital Assistant to Human Agent seamless Handoff

In earlier articles, I discussed Autonomous Digital Assistantprovisioning a Digital Assistant, building skills and making it multi-lingual. In this post, I would like to take the discussion forward to address certain scenarios where there is a need for Human Intervention when the Bot cannot handle the conversation and instead redirect the chat to a human agent.

Continue reading “Autonomous Digital Assistant to Human Agent seamless Handoff”

Provisioning Autonomous Oracle Digital Assistant

In the last post, we talked briefly about the Oracle Digital Assistant. In this post, I would like to walk you through the provisioning process of the Autonomous Oracle Digital Assistant.

Continue reading “Provisioning Autonomous Oracle Digital Assistant”

Oracle Autonomous Digital Assistant: The new incarnation for conversation interfaces

If you are following the Oracle Autonomous Mobile and Chatbot Platform announcements you would have now realised that we have announced the availability of the Oracle Digital Assistant platform as a new SKU under the PaaS offerings.

In this post, I will delve deeper into the Oracle Digital Assistant offering and answer what I anticipate will be common questions about the changes.

Continue reading “Oracle Autonomous Digital Assistant: The new incarnation for conversation interfaces”

Building a Multi-Lingual Bot on the Oracle Chatbot Platform

Building a Multi-Lingual Bot on the Oracle Chatbot Platform

First things first, if you are new to building Chatbot using the Oracle Cloud Platform, here are some quick videos to get you started on the platform and its capabilities. There is also an online MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) available on how to build your first BOT using the Oracle Platform and access the Bot through Facebook Channel.
Now that we understand how to build a bot let’s turn the Bot that can recognise the input from the end user conversing in his/her own language and respond accordingly.

The Bot platform allows you to bring your own translation keys (Google / Bing) and the Bot can be configured to detect the language. The bot further converts the user input to English, intent recognition by the NLP engine kicks off, based on the dialogue flow the bot structures the response in English which is again translated back into the language in which the question was asked by the user.

Let’s see that this in action :

Continue reading “Building a Multi-Lingual Bot on the Oracle Chatbot Platform”