Measuring the value of community

Over the past two weeks, there’s been a growing community engagements in the Australian Innovation ecosystem. This specific one that I’m referring to is a … “slack channel was set up and is co-moderated by Dianna Sommerville, founder of the Regional Pitchfest and Community Manager for Bridge Hub. My (Chad Renando) interest is based on my various roles as director of Startup Status, Managing Director Australia with the Global Entrepreneurship network, ESHIP Champion with the Kauffman Foundation, and working with QUT’s Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship research and the Rural Economies Centre of Excellence at USQ.

Being engaged from a few different angles, I’ve been working on the data itself and this is a story about that the data.

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Triggering an OIC integration via OCI Events – the Notifications Service Approach

Do you want to trigger an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) integration as soon as a file is uploaded to OCI Object Storage?

This event driven approach allows you to respond to state changes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) in real-time, removing the need to poll Object Storage buckets on a predefined schedule. In a two-part blog series, I will explore how you can achieve this event-driven pattern with OIC. As the name suggests this blog will capture the Notifications Service Approach, while part 2 will provide a guide to using OCI Functions to achieve the same outcome.

Continue reading “Triggering an OIC integration via OCI Events – the Notifications Service Approach”